LinkedIn has been around for a long time. Over twenty years in fact. However, while it's undeniably the largest professional social network, many people are still a little wary of using it for active marketing. So if you'd like to do more than with LinkedIn marketing, let's take a closer look at what LinkedIn cold calling is, how to do it properly, and whether it could work for you.

What Is LinkedIn Cold Calling?

Old-fashioned cold calling was all about skimming through the an online directory to find someone that might be interested in whatever it is you were selling. Then you'd pick up the phone and call, trying to get past the gatekeeper so you could make your pitch to a decision-maker.

Very often, this was a tedious and time-consuming process, and it was very much a numbers game. You'd have to spend a lot of time on the phone before you found someone who was interested in what you had to say.

LinkedIn cold calling is a little different. Instead of the phone book, you have the in-depth search functionality of the LinkedIn platform to find target companies. Then, you can use on-platform tools to find employees who work at that company, and from there, you can reach out to connect or even ask a direct question. It's quicker and easier than phone-based cold calling, and because you can also research prospects online before you reach out, they tend to have a higher response rate.

Is LinkedIn Cold Calling Effective?

When it comes to the question of whether LinkedIn cold calling is effective, it's really not a yes or no situation.

As with anything, if you use the right strategy and approach, it can be very effective. If you don't, you probably won't have a lot of success.

LinkedIn cold calling should never be about contacting random people who happen to be in your city, hoping that they might be interested in whatever it is you're selling. You should always do your research first, and make sure that the companies you're interested in could genuinely use your products or services, and that the person you're reaching out to is the right one to talk to.

How to Do LinkedIn Cold Calling Right

If you think that LinkedIn cold calling could be the right approach for your business, there are several things you can do to improve your chances of success.

First, make sure that your LinkedIn profile is up to date and looks great. Write a descriptive bio, update your headshot and add links to interesting and useful content that's relevant to your industry.

Next, if you want to use LinkedIn for prospecting and cold emailing, you really should consider signing up for a paid service like Sales Navigator. This is much more powerful than the ordinary search functions on the main LinkedIn platform and allows you to search by industry, role, title and more. This makes it possible to find exactly the people you need to talk to, in the right industries, locations and companies.

When it comes to marketing, knowing who your customer is always puts you at an advantage, and paid LinkedIn tools like this let you target your outreach precisely.

A Word of Caution

LinkedIn might be a little different then other social networks, but it is still and its core a l social network, and there are community guidelines and codes of conduct that users are expected to follow. That includes rules about spam, and in the LinkedIn context, users are allowed to mark any message as spam by saying they don't know the sender.

Usually, if you have done your research well and identified the right people to speak to, they will be interested in what you have to offer, but if they are not, don't push the issue. Take them off your list and move on.

Easier to Reach Key Decision Makers

One of the best things about using LinkedIn marketing strategies like cold calling is it is much easier to connect directly with key decision-makers that you probably would not be able to reach under normal circumstances.

When you call any company, you will probably have to go through several layers of gatekeepers, receptionists and assistants before you might get a chance to talk to someone who has the power to make decisions. When you reach out on LinkedIn, you speak directly to them. Even if they pass the information along to someone else, you're still far better off than you would be trying to connect on the phone.


Is  Your LinkedIn Strategy Working?

Our team helps teach businesses and organizations how to utilize the right marketing tools to connect with customers. LinkedIn is a very powerful platform that can generate great success when the right strategy is in place. 

Get in touch with our team today to learn how we can help you execute a successful LinkedIn strategy.

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