2/11/21, 9:33 AM

You know that your marketing automation tool can be used to promote your business, but there are many other powerful functions you may not be fully utilizing. These forms, landing pages, and task automation features can help you streamline your operations, improve marketing performance and gain valuable insight into your target audience.

Many people are only using their marketing automation tool for email marketing. But they really are capable of so much more. Read on to discover everything your marketing automation tools can do.


Your forms can help you streamline your entire business both internally and externally. One of the functions of a marketing automation tool like forms is to gather customer information. Because of this, you can easily customize the fields in order to bring in the right data and find the right ways to use it. Depending on the information you collect from the form submissions, you can then assign that lead to the appropriate team member. For example, if you assign leads based on geographical location, then any form submission can be routed to the appropriate sales member based on geography. Here are other ways of how to effectively assign your leads. By doing this, you can streamline your marketing operations and simplify your sales operations.

You can also use forms throughout your various stages of your sales process to gather more pertinent information and further qualify prospects as they continue through their buying journey.

Landing Pages

A good marketing automation tool includes custom landing page builders. You’ll be able to use these landing pages for specific campaigns, and they are great for A/B testing. You can test how different campaigns, marketing ads, and other features perform with your target audience.

These tools have templates and landing page builders, so the process is fast and simple. Once the page is created, you can use it to generate leads through effective digital marketing campaigns.

Call-to-Actions (CTAs)

A/B testing is one of the most important functions of a marketing automation tool. A CTA encourages the viewer to click on an ad, make a purchase, sign up for your newsletter, and more. With automation tools, you can design custom CTAs in the system to look however you want.

This is important because you need to test your CTAs to determine which ones work best. A/B testing is one of the best things you can do to help your business grow, and it allows you to refine your marketing strategy. With each iteration, you can change up your A/B test, so you can learn more about your customers and the types of CTAs that perform best.

Task Automation

Task automation is useful for your internal teams and your overall sales efforts. Through automation tools, you can reconfigure the way your teams create and assign different workflows and automated tasks.

By doing this, you can get your team to follow the correct process with new and current leads. For example, you can create internal alerts if a lead has not been contacted by a sales team member. In such cases, you can then require that assigned team member to reach out in a specified time period and even put a reminder on their calendar. This allows you to not lose sight of those client and prospective buyer relationships that require time to nurture.

Online Surveys

A good marketing automation tool will also feature options for creating your own online surveys. Through surveys, you can learn more about what your customers like and dislike about different products. You can use surveys as inexpensive, fast tools for conducting market research.

Surveys can also be used to collect feedback from your clients. Later, this information can be used to demonstrate social proof of your product’s quality. Plus, online surveys are a useful way to measure customer satisfaction with your products and services.

Reporting and Analytics

If you want your company to be successful, you have to know how effective the investments you are making in your marketing efforts. Marketing automation tools include features like ROI custom reporting and advanced analytics. You can visually see the most effective channels for acquiring leads and customers and gain insight into campaign and content performance.

Advanced analytics can also help you determine which customers are the best targets and which campaigns suit each type of customer. These tools help you gain valuable insight into how new business is being generated and provides powerful data that to use when making future marketing investments.

Marketing Automation Helps You Run Your Company Better

A good marketing automation tool has the power to do so much more than create simple email marketing campaigns. You can manage your sales channel, collect valuable data, and conduct A/B testing. Marketing automation tools allow you to streamline different sections of your business, so you can spend less money while getting better results.

If you want to catalyze your company’s success, the right tools can help. To learn more, contact us at Synchronicity today.

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