The world of marketing is constantly evolving. From changes fueled by new technologies to shifts in consumer behaviors and preferences, there are many emerging trends that you can use to sharpen your marketing strategies and ensure you're taking advantage of industry best practices.

Wondering which trends your business can capitalize on this year? Here are a few suggestions.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The rise of OpenAI, ChatGPT, and other artificial intelligence tools have already created major shifts in the marketing industry. AI’s ability to quickly analyze data and produce shockingly good results has made it a cornerstone of many forward-thinking marketing strategies. The use of AI can improve your marketing efficiency, allow you to provide highly personalized content, and significantly increase your return-on-investment.

However, it’s important not to forget about the impact of human touch and the need for supervision over machine-generated outputs. Learning to create the optimal balance between real humans and their artificial counterparts will help you get an edge over your competitors.

Increased Use of Chatbots

Chatbots have grown in popularity in recent years, and this trend is not expected to go away any time soon. As AI-powered chatbots continue to improve, you can expect them to provide even more human-like interactions. This can help companies improve their customer service and allow you to be available around the clock.

In a time when consumers thrive on instant gratification, having a personable and well-functioning chatbot can go a long way towards setting your brand apart from your competition. Chatbots can also be used to gather customer data, so you can provide an even more personalized experience both during the chat and as part of your ongoing marketing campaigns.

Short-Form Content

As consumer attention spans continually get shorter, the preference for bite-sized content will continue to grow. Today, short-form video is the way many Millennials and Gen Z users prefer to learn about products and services. Creating high-quality short videos and integrating them into your our marketing plan will help you take advantage of this trend.

If you’re not doing so already, now is the time to incorporate YouTube Shorts, Reels, and Instagram stories into your content marketing strategy. Data has shown that short videos, when executed properly, can be a highly effective way to connect with your audience on LinkedIn.

A Shift to Social Search

Many experts agree that consumers will begin using social media platforms as an alternative to search engines. Already, people are using social platforms to search for people, interesting content, ideas and inspiration, and products and services to purchase.

For example, when looking for a place to eat lunch, those in the Millennial and Gen Z demographic are more likely to head to Instagram or TikTok than they are to use Google Maps or Search. Consumers in these age groups tend to be drawn to visual-rich results, which pulls them away from search engines that favor text.

The Importance of Building Strong Communities

Many companies make the mistake of thinking that producing great content is the key to successful social media marketing, but that’s only half of the equation. It’s also critical to build a strong community by connecting and engaging with your audience. When done correctly, this can lead to more of your followers promoting your brand, sharing your content, and celebrating your company's milestones and successes along with you.


A Need for Professional Support

As more social media platforms come online and the complexities of AI become part of everyday life, an increasing number of businesses will need the support of an expert to manage their digital marketing efforts.

To capitalize on the ever-changing digital marketing trends, you need a solid plan that is designed to evolve over time. Outsourcing your marketing to a professional can help you establish clear strategic goals, optimize your budget, and gain market share through an “always-on” marketing approach.

Want to learn more? Let’s chat! Give us a call at 704-545-2868 or schedule a strategy session now.

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