10/9/17, 1:04 PM

Landing pages are the bread-and-butter of your digital marketing strategy. You see, great landing pages convert visitors into clients. They inform, they intrigue, and they incentivize. That’s their job and when done well, landing pages are one of the hardest-working tools in your inbound arsenal.

For manufacturers, landing pages are so important. Manufacturing is incredibly segmented and audience pools are highly-specific. Bringing the right people to the right content is paramount for turning qualified leads into sales. Sync builds landing pages for dozens of manufacturing clients, among lots of other digital marketing activities. Here’s what you need to know.

What is a Landing Page?

As a general rule, landing pages accomplish one purpose: to capture a lead’s contact information or, even better, to convert the lead right then and there. In manufacturing, landing pages are used to both to build a digital marketing list for future efforts and to act as one-off conversion tools.

  • Lead Generation LPs
    Lead generation is the one constant in any digital marketing campaign. Although manufacturers must put out pointed messages designed to drive sales, they should always be fortifying their list of prospects through the process of lead generation. How do Lead Gen landing pages work? By offering the visitor something of value for their contact information. Online, this usually means some form of “premium” content like a video or an eBook. In the manufacturing space, it can also mean personalized attention in the form of a free consultation or trial.
  • Conversion Landing Pages
    Converting a client directly from a landing page is possible, but it greatly depends on the type of business. Super-nuanced industrial distributors, for example, generally work with clients whose needs are best parsed on the phone or after an in-depth consultation. If you offer a catalog of products or services directly online, however, a good landing page can turn lookers into buyers on the spot.



The Components of a Manufacturing Landing Page


All landing pages are not created equal; what each page offers is specific to who it’s designed to reach and the action you want them to take. Landing pages can have lots of written content or none at all. They can feature a moving video or just a gallery of pictures. They can be incredibly specific or noncommittally general.

What should all manufacturing landing pages include? The typical LP should include the following:

  • An Opener: The first sentence or two should let the user know they’re on the right page. It’s a good idea to reference what brought them there (“Thanks for Liking us on Facebook!”) or to address a pain point you know they’re having (“Does your process need improvement?”)
  • Body Content: In some cases, this is text copy. In others, this is photos or even video. The point is to drill down on what the user came there for to let them know they’re in the right place. They got to your LP by clicking on your email blast about long lead times? Use the page to highlight exactly how your business solves the problem to get the visitor to take the next step.
  • Call to Action: The call to action is the most important part of any landing page. It ushers visitors through your purchasing funnel and forces them to make a decision. No one visiting your website should ever be confused about what you want them to do next. Your call to action could be a phone number, a form to fill out, or even a searchable product database so they can place an order right then and there. A LP can (and probably should) have more than one CTA.

Wondering how landing pages fit into your overall marketing strategy? Synchronicity can help. We’re experts at driving qualified leads for manufacturing companies and we can make a mean landing page, too.

Reach out to Sync to talk landing pages. (See? ←There’s your call to action!)

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