Why We Became A Virtual Agency - Think Sync!™

3/9/20, 8:59 AM

As we enter into a new year and a new decade for that matter, Synchronicity thought it would be a good time to take stock of who we are as a company and where we want to be. 

In the many conversations we’ve had as a team over the past year, one item kept rising to the surface. What if we became a completely virtual agency? Now that’s not something you just make a casual decision on and say what the heck, let’s do it. And what does it mean to become a 100% virtual to not only our employees but our clients too?

What's Not Changing

First off, just because we’re giving up our current office space outside of Uptown Charlotte in exchange for the confines of our home based offices doesn’t mean anything with Synchronicity is changing...other than our physical location of course. Our core mission statement remains the same, to empower ambitious brands to become disruptive through creativity and design, insights, data, processes and technology. In layman’s terms that means we aim to create online experiences that connect businesses with their customers via industry leading UX & UI, web design and digital marketing the delivers ROI.

Acquire the Best Talent

By taking our agency into the virtual world it also opens us up to finding the best talent across the country whether that be a top web designer in Los Angeles, a digital marketing expert in Chicago, or adding to our already extraordinary team in Charlotte. 

Great for Employees with Children

We also looked at how a virtual working environment would be great for parents. Several of our employees have young children at home and this new arrangement will provide our moms and dads greater flexibility. And expecting our team members to battle traffic back and forth each day is just silly. I’d much rather have my team refreshed and on point to do the best work they can for our clients.

Valuing Our Employees

Providing a healthy culture tomorrow please is the right thing to do. And happy team members can do even better work for clients. Our culture is one of caring about both our employees and their families.

More Productive

Lastly, research on virtual working set-ups has shown that information is actually shared more across the company. With online file sharing and online project management, such as Basecamp, Dropbox, and SmartSheets work can always be accessed allowing staff much greater visibility into the status of projects and actually provides for greater accountability.


We Still Have a Cool Office!

For in person client meetings we’ll still be available of course. We’ve got ourselves a shiny new office space we can use as needed in the Ballantyne Corporate Park in South Charlotte that has all the amenities and more of our former office.


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